Hi, I’m Lee Bonvissuto (they/them).

I believe our voices are vehicles for liberation—from distraction, internalized anxiety, and systemic oppression.

At PresentVoices, I help people feel more comfortable communicating by using systems thinking to create structure in spontaneous speaking moments. I believe we all communicate with confidence well when we feel seen, safe, and supported.

It’s my life’s work to dismantle systems silencing voices in our society so we’re listening to—and being led by—more types of people.

Combining backgrounds in neuropsychology and theater direction, I started to do this work in public hospitals, helping front-line staff communicate in high-stakes settings.

Over the past ten years, I have helped thousands of people across industries be more powerfully present at the world’s leading companies.

My work has been featured in Forbes, Success Magazine, Harvard Business Review, Bustle, Real Simple, and Communications Week.

Speaking Topics

The key to confidence is comfort

What if the key to confidence was making ourselves—and those around us—feel comfortable. If you lose your train of thought, get nervous when speaking up in meetings, or over-think until you’re overwhelmed, we’ll discuss tools to help us all cultivate conversational comfort.

Intentional and inclusive leadership

The best leaders help their teams feel seen, safe, and supported, but most leaders don’t have the time to be as intentional as they want. Participants will learn clear communication techniques to facilitate and lead team meetings and give feedback with more effectiveness and ease.


Liberating our voices from silencing systems

Too many voices are not being heard due to silencing systems—from internalized anxiety to systemic oppression. To hear from more voices, we have to prioritize presence—for ourselves and those around us—over perfection and how we’re being perceived.

Virtual spaces are personal spaces

Are you hearing from all voices in hybrid meetings, or is it the same few folks speaking up? Helping leaders and teams communicate, connect, and collaborate in hybrid settings is key to productivity and inclusion. Participants will learn how to hear from more voices on Zoom and build inclusive cultures where everyone feels seen, safe, and supported speaking up and showing up.